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Neurodiversity Gold

The Neurodiversity Gold Podcast is a fine collection of Neurodiversity success stories. Hosted by autistic best-selling author, TedX speaker, consultant and entrepreneur Jude Morrow, founder of Neurodiversity Training International - the world's premier neurodiversity platform. Jude welcomes guests from all neurodivergent backgrounds to share their wins, promote their success and show the airwaves that neurodivergent people can not only survive in the world, but thrive, and thrive in style!

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Recent Episodes

March 27, 2023

Raining Cats and Dogs - With Michael Barton

Michael Barton joins Jude to discuss idioms and phrasology from the Neurotypical World - all taken from his classic book - Its Raining Cats and Dogs
March 17, 2023

Accommodations - What exactly are they? With Alex and Minna

Linkedin's sexy buzzword this week - "accommodations" - Alex and Minna give you clarity in what accommodations are, why they are important, and how they can be easily implemented.
March 10, 2023

Jumping for Joy! With Christie Ellis

Jude is joined in discussion with Christie Ellis about her new coaching program launch.
March 7, 2023

Parent Coaching with Courtney Edman

Parent coaching done right!
March 3, 2023

ND Freelancing - Rosemary Richings

Jude is joined by Rosemary Richings for a discussion about the Freelancer Lifestyle
Feb. 28, 2023

The Bearded Behaviourist - A New Approach

Jude is joined this week by Brian Middleton to discuss the wide topic of Behaviourism